Well my new album has finally gone for editing and mixing. Pete Greene picked up the files from Nashville this week, so he will commence his magic in the coming weeks before we head into Masterfonics to do the final mix.
I have decided on the cover . . . . Hope you like it?

Summer has kind of been busy so i'm trying to take care of business from the road. I work tirelessly on the bus and in my hotel room trying to bring everything together. Artwork is being handled by BlackArt in Portugal, so quite often I spend time emailing Ricardo making tweaks to the artwork. Only yesterday I spent hours checking all the lyrics, so that they can be put into the album booklet, believe it or not it's quite painstaiking work, double checking everything.

I have had to work on a New EPK, and yesterday I made a video in a hotel room, not ideal but these kind of things need to be done. Of course the EPK is only for the invited to look at and folks who plan to help and represent me in the coming months. I keep glancing at the dates Smokie have in the diary just to see where time will allow a trip to Nashville.

Alicia Michilli who did most of the backing vocals on my album along with Liinda Dawson is still in America's Got Talent . . . . She has a great voice. I so hope she wins!

I'm currently sat in yet another airport paying a small fortune for the smallest cup of coffee, but let me tell you; I'm now officially on holiday, I can't wait to get back home to my house in Spain. No more flying for several weeks . . . . Just what the doctor ordered!!!   I'm going to be quite truthful here, I have never been more tired of travelling, the amount of time spent on planes, busses and in hotel rooms is quite staggering, I must do a diary for a week and let you all know just how boring life can get on the road, I'm sure I could make it fun reading?

My long time friend JOHN KEWLEY
Many years ago when I was about 15 years old the band I played with got a new drummer, namely JOHN KEWLEY. Over many more years I shared the same stage with John and we often shared hotel rooms. I played with John for several years in four or five different bands, so I know him well and he has been a long time good friend. In recent months John reveiled that he had terminal cancer, saddened by this new I went to visit him. He was as always very dry and his wit and humour still intact despite his suffering. It is in these instances that I often reflect on my own good luck and fortune and perhaps realize that it's quite easy to take most things for granted in life. Anyway I just want to wish John well and say "My prayers are with you my friend"